Self Learn Fuel-Trim Maps

The ECU adjusts fuel-trims based on Oxygen sensor feedback and stores these adjustments in the self-learn fuel-trim maps. ConsultSpy can download and view these fuel maps, providing valuable insight into the health of the fuel system and oxygen sensors.

ConsultSpy Dual-Bank Cylinder Cut Demo

This video shows a comparison between single and dual-bank cylinder cut used by the launch control rev-limiter. From the factory, the rev-limiter in Z32 and R32 ECUs cuts fuel to the right-side cylinder bank before any left-side cylinders are cut. This results in reduced Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) in the right-bank and lowers turbo boost. By changing to a dual-bank cylinder cut, cylinders are dropped equally between banks and EGT is increased for improved turbo response.

ConsultSpy Extended Data

ConsultSpy was designed to support different ECU firmware and includes a number of ECU specific data variables not available with the standard CONSULT diagnostics.

  • Engine Load (TP)
  • Throttle Position Delta
  • Cylinder Drop Count
  • Knock Retard
  • Knock Mode Flags
  • Ignition Dwell Time